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Legal Description

Boundaries of Relevant Watershed

The legal description of Watermaster's area of jurisdiction, the relevant watershed, is given below. The text is taken verbatim from Exhibit B of the Judgment. 


The following described property is located in Los Angeles County, State of California:


Beginning at the Southwest corner of Section 14, Township 1 North, Range 11 West, San Bernardino Base and Meridian;

Thence Northerly along the West line of said Section 14 to the Northwest corner of the South half of said Section 14;

Thence Easterly along the North line of the South half of Section 14 to the East line of said Section 14;

Thence Northerly along the East line of said Section 14, Township 1 North, Range 11 West and continuing Northerly along the East line of Section 11 to the Northeast corner of said Section 11;

Thence Easterly along the North line of Section 12 to the Northeast corner of said Section 12;

Thence Southerly along the East line of said Section 12 and continuing Southerly along the East line of Section 13 to the Southeast corner of said Section 13, said corner being also the Southwest corner of Section 18, Township 1 North, Range 10 West;

Thence Easterly along the South line of Sections 18, 17, 16 and 15 of said Township 1 North, Range 10 West to the Southwest corner of Section 14;

Thence Northerly along the West line of Section 14 to the Northwest corner of the South half of Section 14;

Thence Easterly along the North line of the South half of Section 14 to the East line of said section;

Thence Northerly along the East line of said Section 14, and continuing Northerly along the West line of Section 12 of said Township 1

North, Range 10 West to the North line of said Section 12;

Thence Easterly along the North line of said Section 12, to the Northeast corner of said Section 12, said corner being also the Southwest corner of Section 6, Township 1 North, Range 9 West;

Thence Northerly along the West line of said Section 6 and continuing Northerly along West line of Sections 31 and 30, Township 2 North, Range 9 West to the Westerly prolongation of the North line of said Section 30;

Thence Easterly along said Westerly prolongation of the North line of said Section 30 and continuing Easterly along

the North line of Section 29 to the Northeast corner of said Section 29;

Thence Southerly along the East line of said Section 29 and continuing Southerly along the East line of Section 32,

Township 2 North, Range 9 West, and thence continuing Southerly along the East line of Section 5, Township 1 North, Range 9 West to the Southeast corner of said Section 5;

Thence Westerly along the South line of said Section 5 to the Southwest corner of said Section 5, said point being also the Northwest corner of Section 8;

Thence Southerly along the West line of said Section 8 and continuing Southerly along the West line of Section 17, to the Southwest corner of said Section 17, said corner being also the Northwest corner of Section 20;

Thence Easterly along the North line of Sections 20 and 21 to the Northwest corner of Section 22, said corner being also the Southwest corner of Section 15;

Thence Northerly along the West line of said Section 15 to the Northwest corner of the South half of said Section 15;

Thence Easterly along the North line of said South half of Section 15 to the Northeast corner of said South half of Section 15;

Thence Southerly along the East line of Section 15 and continuing Southerly along the East line of Section 22 to the Southeast corner of said Section 22, said point being also the Southwest corner of Section 23;

Thence Easterly along the South line of Sections 23 and 24 to the East line of the West half of said Section 24;

Thence Northerly along said East line of the West half of Section 24 to the North line thereof;

Thence Easterly along said North line of Section 24 to the Northeast corner thereof, said point also being the Northwest corner of Section 19, Township 1 North, Range 8 West;

Thence continuing Easterly along the North line of Section 19 and Section 20 of said Township 1 North, Range 8 West to the Northeast corner of said Section 20; 

Thence Southerly along the East line of Sections 20, 29 and 32 of said Township 1 North, Range 8 West to the Southeast corner of said Section 32;

Thence Westerly along the South line of Section 32 to the Northwest corner of the East half of Section 5, Township 1 South, Range 8 West; 

Thence Southerly along the West line of the East half of said Section 5 to the South line of said Section 5;

Thence West to the East line of the Northerly prolongation of Range 9 West;

Thence South 67 degrees 30 minutes West to an intersection with the Northerly prolongation of the West line of Section 27, Township 1 South, Range 9 West; 

Thence Southerly along the Northerly prolongation of said West line of Section 27 and continuing Southerly along the West line of Section 27 to the Southwest corner of said Section 27, said point being also the Southeast corner of Section 28;

Thence Westerly along the South line and Westerly projection of the South line of said Section 28 to the Northerly prolongation of the West line of Range 9 West;

Thence Southerly along said prolongation of the West line of Range 9 West to the Westerly prolongation of the North line of Township 2 South;

Thence Westerly along said Westerly prolongation of the North line of Township 2 South, a distance of 8,500 feet;

Thence South a distance of 4,500 feet;

Thence West a distance of 10,700 feet;

Thence South 29 degrees West to an intersection with the Northerly prolongation of the West line of Section 20, Township 2 South, Range 10 West;

Thence Southerly along said Northerly prolongation of the West line of said Section 20 and continuing Southerly along the West line of Section 20 to the Southwest corner of said Section 20;

Thence South a distance of 2,000 feet;

Thence West a distance of two miles, more or less, to an intersection with the East line of Section 26, Township 2 South, Range 11 West;

Thence Northerly along said East line of Section 26 and continuing Northerly along the East line of Section 23,

Township 2 South, Range 11 West to the Northeast corner of said Section 23;

Thence Westerly along the North line of said Section 23 to the Northwest corner thereof, said point being also the Southeast corner of Section 15, Township 2 South, Range 11 West;

Thence Northerly and Westerly along the East and North lines, respectively, of said Section 15, Township 2 South, Range 11 West, to the Northwest corner thereof;

Thence continuing Westerly along the Westerly prolongation of said North line of Section 15, Township 2 South, Range 11 West to an intersection with a line parallel to and one mile East of the West line of Range 11 West;

Thence Northerly along said parallel line to an intersection with the Northerly boundary of the City of Pico Rivera as said City of Pico Rivera existed on July 17, 1970;

Thence Westerly along said City boundary to an intersection with the East line of Range 12 West;

Thence Northerly along said East line of Range 12 West to the North line of Township 2 South;

Thence Westerly along the North line of Township 2 South to an intersection with the Southerly prolongation of the East line of the West half of Section 26, Township 1 South, Range 12 West;

Thence Northerly along said Southerly prolongation of said East line of the West half of said Section 26 to the Southeast corner of said West half;

Thence Westerly along the South line of Sections 26, 27 and 28, Township 1 South, Range 12 West, to the Southeast corner of Section 29, Township 1 South, Range 12 West;

Thence Northerly along the East line of said Section 29 to the Northeast corner of the South half of said Section 29;

Thence Westerly along the North line of the South half of said Section 29 to the Northwest corner thereof;

Thence Northerly along the West line of Sections 29, 20, 27 and 8, Township 1 South, Range 12 West;

Thence continuing Northerly along the Northerly prolongation of the West line of Section 8, Township 1 South, Range 12 West to an intersection with the North line of Township 1 South;

Thence Easterly along said North line of Township 1 South to the Northeast corner of Section 3, Township 1 South, Range 12 West;

Thence North 64 degrees 30 minutes East to an intersection with the West line of Section 23, Township 1 North, Range 11 West;

Thence Northerly along the West line of said Section 23 to the Northwest corner thereof, said point being the Southwest corner of Section 14, Township 1 North, Range 11 West and said point being also the point of beginning.

Address: 725 North Azusa Avenue, Azusa, CA 91702

Phone: 626.815.1300

Fax: 626.815.1302


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